Com as minhas andanças pelo Instagram e meus posts sobre os livros que
leio acabei descobrindo um mundo gigante de leitores de livros e de perfis
dedicados inteiramente a divulgação, comentários e preferências literárias dos
donos destes perfis. Alguns deles possuem até parcerias com
algumas editoras e recebem de graça livros para sua avaliação, e
claro, propaganda dos livros recebidos.
Achei isso
tão fantástico, e fiquei me perguntando porque eu nunca tive essa idéia! Eu,
que sou uma devoradora de livros, que não tenho mais lugar em casa para guardá-los,
que sempre tenho um livro como companheiro e que o levo comigo para todos os
lugares que vou.
A verdade é
que eu realmente não fazia ideia que existiam tantos leitores fanáticos como eu.
Mas eles existem! E existem em todos os lugares! Eles existem no Instagram,
eles marcam sua presença no Facebook e no Youtube e quando você acha um, você acha
todos! Vídeos e vídeos sobre comentários relacionados a livros e críticas e impressões
e sinopses... enfim... descobri que somos muitos!
Em minha
ida a Bienal do Rio no início deste mês, fiquei muita irritada pelo evento
estar tão lotado, do que me pareceu ser a princípio pessoas que nem gostavam de
ler, nem estavam comprando livros e que estavam por lá apenas para dizer que
estiveram e tirar fotos e postar em suas redes sociais. Mas em uma auto avaliação
posterior ao evento eu entendi que :
1) Eu realmente odeio lugares cheios e que meu julgamento dos acontecimentos pode ficar seriamente comprometido devido ao meu desconforto pelo lotação.
2) Apesar de que nem todas as pessoas que estavam lá estivessem com sacolas de compras, todas as que eu reparei estavam extremamente empolgadas com o evento e com a experiência daquele evento, oq ue pode significar que elas apenas não tinham muito dinheiro para compras! e
3) Eu devia estar feliz por ver tantas pessoas interessadas pela leitura e pelo universo dos livros!
1) Eu realmente odeio lugares cheios e que meu julgamento dos acontecimentos pode ficar seriamente comprometido devido ao meu desconforto pelo lotação.
2) Apesar de que nem todas as pessoas que estavam lá estivessem com sacolas de compras, todas as que eu reparei estavam extremamente empolgadas com o evento e com a experiência daquele evento, oq ue pode significar que elas apenas não tinham muito dinheiro para compras! e
3) Eu devia estar feliz por ver tantas pessoas interessadas pela leitura e pelo universo dos livros!
Se o mal do
mundo é a ignorância, o fato de tantas pessoas se interessarem deveria ser um motivo
de celebração, porque de alguma forma, mesmo que limitada, o mundo destas
pessoas está sendo expandido e novas possibilidades podem surgir diante das
mesmas. Se todas as pessoas gostassem de ler e de adquirir informações como
gostam de adquirir objetos, seguidores ou curtidas, seria muito mais difícil as
pessoas serem ludibriadas por “líderes” que usam a falta de conhecimento destas
para seu benefício prório.
Uma vez,
uma pessoa que eu gosto muito, veio me mostrar um vídeo de um pastor cego, que “supostamente”
recebeu mensagens de Deus e que por causa destas mensagens ele sabia “muito” de
vários assuntos “científicos”. Ela estava empolgadíssima me falando do vídeo e
de como o pastor era sábio e que se não fosse Deus ele não teria como saber de
todas aquelas coisas. Então, eu assisti ao vídeo e vi que ele não era sábio,
que os conhecimentos que ele declarou ter recebido de Deus não eram nada demais
para qualquer pessoa que tenha feito um Segundo Grau decente, e que ainda assim
ele falou tanta coisa errada que eu só consegui achar aquilo revoltante. Minha
revolta foi em pensar como todas aquelas pessoas que o estavam assistindo e
aplaudindo de pé estavam sendo enganadas e iludidas por uma pessoa que dizia
saber mais do que elas. E tudo o que ele falou era tão básico, tão óbvio para
mim, que eu não entendi como as pessoas podiam estar engolindo aquilo. Mas então
percebi que nem todas as pessoas tiveram o estudo que eu tive. Nem todas lêem e
nem todas sabem ler, e é em cima destas pessoas que fica mais fácil jogar as
mentiras e torná-las verdadeiras. Afinal, porque motivo elas não iriam acreditar em um pastor, que diz ter recebido mensagens de Deus sobre assuntos da ciência, se elas não tem como saber que todas estas informações também são dadas nas escolas?
Mas porque
nem todo mundo que pode, gosta de ler? Seria a leitura uma questão de hábito? Seria o
amor pelos livros uma questão de exemplo? Seria apenas falta de sorte por não
ter lido nenhum livro que lhe despertasse a paixão pelos livros? Difícil saber, mas o que eu sei é sobre todos os benefícios que a leitura traz à vida das pessoas! Benefícios como o aumento do vocabulário e da facilidade em
se expressar, o aumento da criatividade e o relaxamento proporcionado pela
leitura, o acesso a várias informações e a vários locais que talvez físicamente
não seria possível ir, a capacidade aumentada de empatia por causa do envolvimento
com diferentes personagens nos livros ... enfim. Eu poderia ficar por páginas e
páginas citando os benefícios da leitura, mas acho mais importante dizer simplesmente que ler faz bem! Ler faz bem para alma, faz seu dia ficar diferente, faz você
estar em um lugar diferente sempre que quiser, faz o mundo ficar mais acessível
e faz com que você se conecte mais ao mundo.
É bom saber
que nós leitores somos muitos, e crescendo. É bom ver uma Bienal lotada de
adolescentes e crianças empolgadas e gostando de estar ali. Isto me traz a
esperança de um futuro melhor, mais consciente das mentiras alheias, mais difícil
de ser enganado e iludido. E apesar de toda a minha descrença na humanidade,
vivenciar este tipo de coisa me faz acreditar que existe uma luz no fim do túnel!
With my wanderings on Instagram and my posts on the books I read I have just discovered a giant world of book readers and profiles devoted entirely to the disclosure, comments and literary preferences of the owners of these profiles. Some of them even have partnerships with some publishers and receive free books for their evaluation, and of course, advertisement of the books received.
I found this so fantastic, and I kept wondering why I never had this idea! I, who am a bookworm, have no place at home to keep them, that I always have a book as a companion and that I take it with me everywhere I go.
The truth is, I really had no idea there were as many fanatical readers as I am. But they exist! And there are everywhere! They exist on Instagram, they mark your presence on Facebook and Youtube and when you find one, you find all! Videos and videos about comments related to books and reviews and impressions and synopses ... anyway ... I've discovered that we are many!
When I went to the Rio Biennial earlier this month, I was very annoyed that the event was so crowded, that it seemed to me at first people who did not like to read, nor were they buying books and who were there just to say that they were there and take photos and post on their social networks. But in a post-event self-assessment I understood that:
1) I really hate crowded places and that my judgment can be seriously compromised due to my discomfort by stocking.
2) Even though not all people were there with shopping bags, all of the ones I noticed were extremely excited about the event and the experience of that event, which may mean they just did not have much money to shop! and
3) I should be happy to see so many people interested in reading and the universe of books!
If the evil of the world is ignorance, the fact that so many people are interested should be a cause for celebration because somehow, even if limited, the world of these people is being expanded and new possibilities can arise in front of them. If all people enjoyed reading and acquiring information as they like to acquire objects or followers , it would be much harder for people to be deceived by "leaders" who use their lack of knowledge for his own benefit.
Once, a person I like very much, came to show me a video of a blind preacher, who "supposedly" received messages from God and because of these messages he knew "a lot" of various "scientific" subjects. She was very excited to tell me about the video and how the preacher was wise and that if it was not God he would not know all that stuff. So I watched the video and saw that he was not wise, that the knowledge he claimed to have received from God was no big deal to anyone who has made a decent Second Degree, and yet he spoke so many things wrong that I could only find it revolting. My revolt was to think how all those people who were watching and cheering were being deceived by a person who claimed to know more than they. And everything he said was so basic, so obvious to me, that I did not understand how people could be believing it. But then I realized that not all people had the study I had. Not all read and not all can read, and it is on top of these people that it is easier to throw the lies and make them true. After all, why would not they believe a preacher, who claims to have received messages from God on matters of science, if they have no way of knowing that all this information is also given in schools?
But why not everyone who can, likes to read? Would reading be a matter of habit? Is love of books an example? Was it just bad luck for not having read any book that sparked her passion for books? Difficult to know, but what I know is about all the benefits that reading brings to people's lives! Benefits such as increased vocabulary and ease of expression, increased creativity and relaxation provided by reading, access to various information and various locations that might not physically be possible, increased ability to empathize because of involvement with different characters in the books ... anyway. I could stand for pages and pages citing the benefits of reading, but I find it more important to simply say that reading is good! Reading is good for the soul, it makes your day look different, it makes you stay in a different place whenever you want, it makes the world more accessible and it connects you more to the world.
It is good to know that we readers are many, and growing. It's good to see a Bienal full of excited teenagers and children and enjoying being there. This brings me the hope of a better future, more aware of the lies of others, more difficult to be deceived and tricked. And despite all my disbelief in humanity, experiencing this kind of thing makes me believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
With my wanderings on Instagram and my posts on the books I read I have just discovered a giant world of book readers and profiles devoted entirely to the disclosure, comments and literary preferences of the owners of these profiles. Some of them even have partnerships with some publishers and receive free books for their evaluation, and of course, advertisement of the books received.
I found this so fantastic, and I kept wondering why I never had this idea! I, who am a bookworm, have no place at home to keep them, that I always have a book as a companion and that I take it with me everywhere I go.
The truth is, I really had no idea there were as many fanatical readers as I am. But they exist! And there are everywhere! They exist on Instagram, they mark your presence on Facebook and Youtube and when you find one, you find all! Videos and videos about comments related to books and reviews and impressions and synopses ... anyway ... I've discovered that we are many!
When I went to the Rio Biennial earlier this month, I was very annoyed that the event was so crowded, that it seemed to me at first people who did not like to read, nor were they buying books and who were there just to say that they were there and take photos and post on their social networks. But in a post-event self-assessment I understood that:
1) I really hate crowded places and that my judgment can be seriously compromised due to my discomfort by stocking.
2) Even though not all people were there with shopping bags, all of the ones I noticed were extremely excited about the event and the experience of that event, which may mean they just did not have much money to shop! and
3) I should be happy to see so many people interested in reading and the universe of books!
If the evil of the world is ignorance, the fact that so many people are interested should be a cause for celebration because somehow, even if limited, the world of these people is being expanded and new possibilities can arise in front of them. If all people enjoyed reading and acquiring information as they like to acquire objects or followers , it would be much harder for people to be deceived by "leaders" who use their lack of knowledge for his own benefit.
Once, a person I like very much, came to show me a video of a blind preacher, who "supposedly" received messages from God and because of these messages he knew "a lot" of various "scientific" subjects. She was very excited to tell me about the video and how the preacher was wise and that if it was not God he would not know all that stuff. So I watched the video and saw that he was not wise, that the knowledge he claimed to have received from God was no big deal to anyone who has made a decent Second Degree, and yet he spoke so many things wrong that I could only find it revolting. My revolt was to think how all those people who were watching and cheering were being deceived by a person who claimed to know more than they. And everything he said was so basic, so obvious to me, that I did not understand how people could be believing it. But then I realized that not all people had the study I had. Not all read and not all can read, and it is on top of these people that it is easier to throw the lies and make them true. After all, why would not they believe a preacher, who claims to have received messages from God on matters of science, if they have no way of knowing that all this information is also given in schools?
But why not everyone who can, likes to read? Would reading be a matter of habit? Is love of books an example? Was it just bad luck for not having read any book that sparked her passion for books? Difficult to know, but what I know is about all the benefits that reading brings to people's lives! Benefits such as increased vocabulary and ease of expression, increased creativity and relaxation provided by reading, access to various information and various locations that might not physically be possible, increased ability to empathize because of involvement with different characters in the books ... anyway. I could stand for pages and pages citing the benefits of reading, but I find it more important to simply say that reading is good! Reading is good for the soul, it makes your day look different, it makes you stay in a different place whenever you want, it makes the world more accessible and it connects you more to the world.
It is good to know that we readers are many, and growing. It's good to see a Bienal full of excited teenagers and children and enjoying being there. This brings me the hope of a better future, more aware of the lies of others, more difficult to be deceived and tricked. And despite all my disbelief in humanity, experiencing this kind of thing makes me believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!